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The Power of Using AI for Generating Art

Mid journey AI Art - Atomic Bombing going off in the distance

As someone who is fascinated by the intersection of art and technology, I’ve been closely following the development of AI-generated art over the last couple of years. For those who may not be familiar, AI-generated art is exactly what it sounds like – art that is created using artificial intelligence. History of AI and Art […]

Exploring ChatGPT: The Cutting-Edge Natural Language Processing Model from OpenAI

ChatGPT natural language processing model from OpenAI"

Exploring ChatGPT: The Cutting-Edge Natural Language Processing Model from OpenAI Have you ever wanted to have a conversation with a machine? If so, you may be interested in ChatGPT, a new natural language processing (NLP) model developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT is a variant of the popular GPT-3 language model, specifically designed for conversation and dialogue. […]